The D K Mansell Sidecar Trial

2nd Round of The ACU TRS UK British Sidecar Trials Championship

---- CANCELLED ----

Due to high levels of rainfall over the past weeks, the organisers have had to make the difficult decision to cancel the event.

Announcement: The South Birmingham Motor Club will organise a National trial held under the National Sporting Code, The Trials Standing Regulations of the ACU, the ACU TRS UK Sidecar Trials Championship Regulations and any final instructions that may be issued.
Eligibility: Riders/Passengers must hold a current ACU Trials Registration card or SACU Licence. Other riders must produce a Licence and Start Permission confirming Insurance from their FMN.
Entries: On line only at from 11th March and Closing 8th April 2024
Entry Fee: Sidecars £30, Solo £25
Classes as per ACU TRS UK British Sidecar Trials Championship + 50 Solos
Limitation of Entries 25 Sidecars and 50 Solos
Venue Park Farm, Angel Lane, Bitterley, Shropshire SY8 3HZ Off the Clee Hill to Ludlow Road. (A4117). Solos at 10:00am, Sidecars at 10:31am as per championship instructions
Start:Solos at 10:00am, Sidecars at 10:31am as per championship instructions
Course: The course all off road with consist of 2 laps of 18 sections with 2 Routes.


Results: These are available on the Results Page

Click Here to enter as a Solo

Click Here to enter as a Sidecar

Solo Entries

Ian CookRedditch MCCTRS 300 One R Class A2
Keith Wells King's NortonBsa Bantam 175Class A2
Steven DowneStafford Auto Beta Evo 4T 300ccClass A2
Joff YeomansSsMCCVertigoClass A1
David SmithRedditch MccVertigo 250Class A1
Mathew BradburySouth Shropshire MCCFantic 245Class A2
Scott Partridge RedditchBSA Bantam Class A2
Steven HayKings Norton Villiers 225Class A2
Mark LucasStourbridgeDrayton VilliersClass A2
Stu Matthews BewdleyBeta 300Class A1
Daniel HallKing's Norton Fantic 305Class A2
Russell LewisRedditch MCCHonda 250Class A2
Mick FlanaganDUDLEYCOTTON 250Class A1
Steve Shambrook North East LondonGasGas Class A1
James DrewettNene ValleyBeta Evo 2t Class A1
Jon ProbittsBerkoBeta Evo 250Class A1
Peter BloorSouth Shropshire MCCGas Gas Txt 250 GpClass A2
Stefan WaltersBerkhampstead MccBeta Evo 250Class A1
Seren WaltersBerkhampstead MccBeta Evo 250Class A1
Cerys WaltersBerkhampstead MccBeta Evo 125Class A1
Paul Howells Kings Norton MCC BSA Bantam 175Class A2
David BeckettWye ValleyGasgas 250Class A2

Sidecar Entries

Rider NamePassenger NameClubMachineClass
Paul Randall Harry MartinSidcup And District MCC Gas Gas 300Class D
Luke ReynoldsWoody ReynoldsThames MCC Beta Evo 2T 300Class D
Christian PearsonJack PearsonSouth Shropshire MccGasGasTXTPro300Class E
Elliott TicknerMathew Price Normandy MCCTrs 300Class B
Vincent BrettLottie BrettStaff MoorlandsTrs 300 RrClass D
Robert HeadStanley Head TalmagVertigo JBR300Class C
Karl JarvisRobert Chapman Thames MCCVertigo DLClass D
Steve SaundersIsobelle SaundersSteve SaundersTRS 300Class B
Stuart RichesDave GoodisonManchester 17MCCVertigo Dl12 Class D
Chris NewshamAnna NewshamLlangollen DMCCGasgasClass D
Toby SmithHannah MooreNormandy Montesa 260Class E
Darren Lulham George Lulham Torridge Gas Gas 300Class E
Pau FishlockDeborah SmithNormandyBeta 4TClass C

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